building ports, and using synth

Antonio Olivares olivares14031 at
Tue May 23 08:06:55 PDT 2017

Dear Dragonfly Users,

I have taken the steps to update the ports tree.  I followed the first
two lines:


Installing DPorts tree

DragonFly 3.4 or later is the minimum version that can build DPorts from source.

It's probably that pkgsrc binaries are already installed because it
comes bootstrapped with new systems. It is necessary to rename
/usr/pkg directory so that the existing pkgsrc binary tools and
libraries don’t get accidentally used while building DPorts, causing
breakage. For the installation of the DPorts tree, type:

# cd /usr
# make dports-create-shallow

If the /usr/pkg directory has already been renamed, git won’t be in
the search path any more. One option is to download a tarball of
DPorts and unpack it. To do this, type:

# cd /usr
# make dports-download

For future updates, pull delta changes via git is fastest, so it is
suggested to convert the static tree to a git repository by typing:

# cd /usr/dports/devel/git
# make install
# cd /usr
# rm -rf /usr/dports
# make dports-create-shallow

The git repository is hosted on the github account of DragonFly.


However, I did not rename /usr/pkg because pkgsrc is not used anymore.
I just did the first two commands

# cd /usr
# make dports-create-shallow
Then I went into /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/synth
and did a make install clean

I did it one time, but synth command was unavailable.  I tried to
install again it gave me error message that was already installed:

install  -m 0644 /usr/obj/dports/ports-mgmt/synth/synth-1.69/www/*
====> Compressing man pages (compress-man)
===>  Installing for synth-1.69
===>  Checking if synth already installed
===>   synth-1.69 is already installed
      You may wish to ``make deinstall'' and install this port again
      by ``make reinstall'' to upgrade it properly.
      If you really wish to overwrite the old port of synth
      without deleting it first, set the variable "FORCE_PKG_REGISTER"
      in your environment or the "make install" command line.
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/dports/ports-mgmt/synth
eightcoreF104# make deinstall
===>  Deinstalling for synth
===>   Deinstalling synth-1.69
Updating database digests format: 100%
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 1 packages (of 0
packages in the universe):

Installed packages to be REMOVED:

Number of packages to be removed: 1

The operation will free 2 MiB.
[1/1] Deinstalling synth-1.69...
[1/1] Deleting files for synth-1.69: 100%
eightcoreF104# make install clean
===>  Installing for synth-1.69
===>  Checking if synth already installed
===>   Registering installation for synth-1.69
Installing synth-1.69...
===>  Cleaning for synth-1.69
eightcoreF104# which synth
synth: Command not found.

How do I troubleshoot this?
I want to try and rebuild ports to see if I can fix the icedtea-web
because I get a plugin-container.core and firefox.core and maybe from
source I can troubleshoot it.

how can I just use synth to update/upgrade openjdk and icedtea-web ports?

Thanks in Advance,


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