cvs commit: src/libexec/dma base64.c crypto.c dma.h net.c

Matthias Schmidt matthias at
Tue Sep 2 08:14:09 PDT 2008

matthias    2008/09/02 08:11:49 PDT

DragonFly src repository

  Modified files:
    libexec/dma          base64.c crypto.c dma.h net.c 
  Add CRAM-MD5 authentication support for the DragonFly Mail Agent. This is the
  first piece of Max's work for the Google Summer of Code 2008.  All other
  new features will follow after evaluation/review :)
  Besides the CRAM code there is new code within base64.c (BSD licensed and
  from the University of Stockholm) and within crypto.c derived from RFC 2104.
  Note: This code is tested and works.  If you find a bug, please report back
  to the bugs@ list.
  Thanks a lot for the good work Max.
  Submitted-by: Max Lindner <gisanka at>
  Sponsored-by: Google Summer of Code 2008
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +56 -0     src/libexec/dma/base64.c
  1.3       +129 -7    src/libexec/dma/crypto.c
  1.6       +2 -1      src/libexec/dma/dma.h
  1.7       +84 -58    src/libexec/dma/net.c

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