package clamav-0.105.1_4,1 fails to update signatures

Stephen Welker stephen.welker at
Wed Jan 11 19:04:04 PST 2023

freshclam is unable to run due to a package build issue.

freshclam log file details:

ClamAV update process started at Wed Jan 11 17:05:14 2023
daily database available for update (local version: 26292, remote 
version: 26777)
ERROR: create_curl_handle: Unable to bind DNS resolves to x.x.x.x. 
Option requires that libcurl was built with c-ares.
ERROR: downloadFile: Failed to create curl handle.
^downloadPatch: Can't download daily-26293.cdiff from
WARNING: Incremental update failed, trying to download daily.cvd
ERROR: create_curl_handle: Unable to bind DNS resolves to x.x.x.x. 
Option requires that libcurl was built with c-ares.
ERROR: downloadFile: Failed to create curl handle.
^Can't download daily.cvd from
ERROR: Unexpected error when attempting to update daily: Invalid 
configuration settings(s)
ERROR: Database update process failed: Invalid configuration settings(s)
ERROR: Update failed.
Update process terminated

The pkg c-ares-1.18.1_1 is installed in this case.

When I try to build a local copy of curl, the local vesion is 
overwritten the next time the pkg version is updated. Removing the pkg 
version results in all dependant packages being removed as well.

Is it possible to build the curl package with c-ares?

NB: freshclam is the strongly preferred method of updating signatures, 
ClamAV is now using CloudFlare for their signature distribution, and 
this places many requirements on the retrieval signatures program.

Stephen Welker.

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