feature request: ifconfig(8) interface description

Oleg Ginzburg olevole at olevole.ru
Fri Nov 12 07:42:37 PST 2021


Aaron LI's recent work on 'NVMM' virtualization seemed very
interesting to me. I would like to port the CBSD[1] for QEMU/NVMM to
DragonFly but ran into a lack of functionality I needed:

# uname -a
DragonFly srv-03.olevole.ru 6.1-DEVELOPMENT DragonFly
v6.1.0.521.g1351cf-DEVELOPMENT #0: Wed Nov 10 10:32:56 UTC 2021
root at srv-03.olevole.ru:/usr/obj/usr/jails/src/src_6.1.0/src/sys/X86_64_GENERIC

# ifconfig vlan1 description vm1-vlan
ifconfig: description: bad value

Is there a chance the 'ifconfig NIC description XXX' functionality
will sync with the FreeBSD ? This is a fairly popular option.

OpenBSD also has a similar capability[2], as NetBSD as well[3]

[1] - https://www.bsdstore.ru/en/
[2] - https://man.openbsd.org/ifconfig.8
[3] - https://man.netbsd.org/ifconfig.8

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