Pkgsrc problems [ was: lang/python24 build problems]

Robert Luciani rluciani at
Thu Mar 27 02:08:45 PDT 2008

Justin C. Sherrill wrote:
> On Wed, March 26, 2008 10:46 am, Hasso Tepper wrote:
>> * Regular builds of pkgsrc HEAD on both our stable and HEAD with info
>>   about failures made available for community. I think that many of us
>>   (including me) can take a look at logs and try to fix issues. The
>>   important point is that we should try to catch as much of bugs as
>>   possible _before_ release.
> I've been working on this with the bulk builds on pkgbox.  This was, with
> 1.10 and the 2007q3 pkgsrc release, a week of turnaround at the very most.
>  The current build I started weeks ago - I may just kill it and start with
> the next quarterly release.  It's taking so long because of the
> interruptions from the network and packages getting stuck and so on, and
> (I suspect?) gcc4 vs. gcc3.

Didn't you mention that the build system could be "distributed"?
If CPU is a bottleneck, perhaps some of us could lend out hardware?
Also perhaps it would ease the burden you when checking for failures
etc.. Perhaps we should stir something up.

My 10Mb connection and Athlon X2 6000+ 2Gb RAM are good to go.

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