My personal pkgsrc FAQ

Joerg Sonnenberger joerg at
Wed Dec 17 03:11:49 PST 2008

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 09:07:23AM +0100, Matthias Schmidt wrote:
> - IIRC it should be possible to build pkgsrc packages in parallel.  Does that
>   mode works well?  If yes, we could distribute the builds between multiple
>   machines to reduce the time needed to run a full build.  And yes, a have a
>   machine to offer :)

It works well, but if you want to distribute over a non-local network
you get some interesting issues with redistribution of the packages
during the build. I don't think it is worth the effort.

> - How about renting a colocation machine?  Renting a fast machine with a fast
>   traffic flat is not that expensive nowadays.  We even have some SoC money
>   left.  Donating some money is not a big problem either.

Last time I check, SMP scalability in fork/exec heavy work load was not
that well, so it was more effective to use vmware than native SMP.
Otherwise it can bring down the build time a lot.


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