Bug list cleanup

Gergo Szakal bastyaelvtars at gmail.com
Tue Dec 12 10:04:59 PST 2006

Justin C. Sherrill wrote:
I'm working on bug cleanup before our January release.  There's a number
of bugs on bugs.dragonflybsd.org that are probably closeable, because
they've ben fixed in a subsequent release of DragonFly or pkgsrc software.
If you've ever posted something to the bugs@ mailing list, it may still be
on bugs.dragonflybsd.org.  Each issue is listed with the name (taken from
email) of the originator, so it should be easy to see.  If it no longer
applies, please mark it resolved.
'wa1ter', 'elekktretterr': you are both very active bug reporters, so your
names show up a few places.  If you can browse through the list, it'd help
me out a lot.  Please and thanks.
I think you should post this to the digest as well, who knows...

Gergo Szakal
University of Szeged, Hungary
Faculty of General medicine
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