Final report on the Shuttle XPC (SN95G5v3) with an AMD X2 dual-core cpu in it, running DragonFly

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Thu Nov 10 17:09:35 PST 2005

:On Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 03:47:52PM -0800, Matthew Dillon wrote:
:>       This is likely due to bugs in the NVidia ethernet driver, in particular
:>       the NVNET blackbox object module that Nvidia supplies (for linux) and 
:>       hasn't handed out the source for.   They seem to be making only a
:>       half-hearted effort to suppot Open Source, which is really unfortunate. 
:>       We really need the source code to properly support devices.
:Actually, there is an Open Source driver with some support from Nvidia,
:just noone found the time to extract specs from it and rewrite it for

    If you mean if_nve in the FreeBSD tree, it's the *same* driver as 
    if_nv in our tree with some very minor differences.  They both use
    the nvidia blackbox object module.

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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