Final report on the Shuttle XPC (SN95G5v3) with an AMD X2 dual-core cpu in it, running DragonFly

Stephen Hocking stephen.hocking at
Thu Nov 10 16:44:10 PST 2005

On 11/11/05, Joerg Sonnenberger <joerg at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 03:47:52PM -0800, Matthew Dillon wrote:
> >
> >       This is likely due to bugs in the NVidia ethernet driver, in particular
> >       the NVNET blackbox object module that Nvidia supplies (for linux) and
> >       hasn't handed out the source for.   They seem to be making only a
> >       half-hearted effort to suppot Open Source, which is really unfortunate.
> >       We really need the source code to properly support devices.
> Actually, there is an Open Source driver with some support from Nvidia,
> just noone found the time to extract specs from it and rewrite it for
> BSDs.
> Joerg

That would be the forcedeth driver? I have it running on a couple of
Linux boxes, and haven't seen any problems with it. Ethernet drivers
don't have quite the same complexity that 3D video drivers do, so the
IP (heh!) issues aren't quite as bad.


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