Waiting 15 seconds for SCSI devices to settle *groan*

Emiel Kollof coolvibe at hackerheaven.org
Thu Dec 1 12:22:19 PST 2005

See subject for a pet peeve I've had for a while...

Might it be an idea to copy FreeBSD here and shorten that to, say, 5 seconds 
by default? I know it's tunable, but it will shorten boot times a bit for 
people that are too lazy like me :)

That and 15 seconds seems a bit too long. Know of any hardware that actually 
needs that long to settle in? (and don't you guys go dig up the most 
antiquated SCSI peripherals that actually do need 15 seconds ;) ) If yes, 
I'll just shut up about this.

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
		-- Shakespeare
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