memory alloc/free issue

Sepherosa Ziehau sepherosa at
Tue Dec 9 00:44:42 PST 2014

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 3:43 PM, bycn82 <bycn82 at> wrote:

> *Hi,*
> *Yesterday,I was checking the memory "alloc/free" for ipfw2 basic module,
> because I know that the memory is not controlling well, and I dont
> understand the meaning of below two line.Dec  9 08:30:23 dfly kernel: ipfw2
> module basic unloaded malloc_uninit: 96 bytes of 'IP_FW2_BASIC' still
> allocated on cpu 4Dec  9 08:30:23 dfly kernel:Dec  9 08:30:23 dfly kernel:
> IP firewall unloaded malloc_uninit: -96 bytes of 'IP_FW2_BASIC' still
> allocated on cpu 4*
> *size 96, so it is the dyn_rule, and I noticed that the kfree for dyn_rule
> was exists and it was triggered. but the message still there.*

It means you didn't free all of the allocated memory before unload the

> *another thing is I met below. it is inside the kmalloc ?*
> *Regards,*
> *Bill Yuan*

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