SMP users needed to test patch

Stathis Kamperis ekamperi at
Wed Nov 4 15:58:34 PST 2009

2009/11/5 YONETANI Tomokazu <qhwt+dfly at>:
> Hi,
Hi Yonetani & thank you for bothering!

> On Wed, Nov 04, 2009 at 02:30:38PM +0200, Stathis Kamperis wrote:
>> git clone git://
>> cd pcca-tests/mqueue.h
>> make && make -k run
>> cd etc
>> make
>> sysctl -w kern.mqueue.mq_prio_max=200
>> ./t_mq_parallel_threads
>> ./t_mq_parallel_fork
> Are we suppose to perform the tests (make -k run and the last two lines)
> as root or a non-root user?  I just tried that on vkernel, but if I run
As non-root.
(All the tests in the repository assume non-root runtime context. I
should have mentioned that, sorry.)

> them as root, t_mq_open, t_mq_open_umask dump core, and any subsequent
> runs dump core too, no matter run as root or not.  The version of
That's "expected".

When the tests failed for the first time (due to being ran as root) ,
the message queues remained in the system. So every subsequent attempt
to run the tests again, failed because those queues were already
present (opened) in the system. I will fix it by installing a signal
handler that cleans up the mess upon SIGABRT. (Actually, IIRC, some
tests may already have such a thing.)

Most important is that vkernel didn't crash or hang :)
I assume that you didn't pass -n1 to the vkernel, right ?

> pcca-tests is 0c458bb3cf5d4943093c9b05ca70cc298f09bb46.
> Cheers.

Thanks again.

Best regards,
Stathis Kamperis

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