Naive HAMMER question

Bill Hacker wbh at
Tue Jan 15 19:10:17 PST 2008

walt wrote:

 > ...
Ironically, I can't test it on MY Mac's as '*BSD'ie that I am, my first
act in OS X setup is to reformat the drives to all-UFS....
Um, then what's the point of spending the extra money?
More familiar environment, closer *BSD compatibility, (true case 
sensitivity and such).

And it is spending *less* money, not more.

My Intel, AMD, VIA production servers (headless) and R&D boxen (Xfce4) 
are a different story entirely.

 Trying to impress
the college co-eds?  :-D

I probably remember as much about Harry Truman's presidency as I do 
about impressing college coeds...


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