HAMMER update 26-Apr-2008

Chris Turner c.turner at 199technologies.org
Tue Apr 29 18:30:21 PDT 2008

Matthew Dillon wrote:
    console spew and other inefficiencies with the backend flushder, copying
    the pkgsrc tree to a HAMMER partition is already competitive with
	(tar cf - /usr/pkgsrc a few times to stabilize the NFS server)

	/usr/bin/time -l cpdup /usr/pkgsrc/. /home/pkgsrc
	208.94 real         4.35 user        32.25 sys
	/usr/bin/time -l cpdup /usr/pkgsrc/. /mnt/pkgsrc
	183.00 real         4.73 user        47.46 sys
silly question: which one is which?

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