Dragonfly Direction

PeaceMaker885 peacemaker885 at nospam.nodomain.org
Tue Jul 20 15:04:19 PDT 2004

Just wanted to say that Dragonfly looks like a very promising os.  I have
tried it out, the KDE package is amazing - the speed at which the binaries
came out is really amazing.  
I'm not a developer or some hard core programmer.  I'm a sysadmin that is
kinda frustrated with the direction the 'distribution' we are using is
going. I guess they just became so big that it became harder and harder to
keep things together.  Maybe some of you are familiar with this issue and I
hope that you guys can learn from it.  Good luck to you guys and I hope
that you keep that 'small' developer community mentality (friendly, easy
going, etc..) no matter how many you guys become.    

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