Subversion Release Candidate

Robert Garrett rg70 at
Wed Feb 4 13:17:21 PST 2004

Justin C. Sherrill wrote:

> Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai wrote:
>> You need a cvsyncd, doesn't replace cvsupd or communicate with it.  One
>> of the most neat things is that it will show you a list of all
>> repositories/collections it has to offer if you ask the remote server.
>> I prefer it over cvsup nowadays.
> Probably some 5-6 months ago or so, there was a conversation much like
> this,
> and there was some talk of trying rsync for these same purposes.  It
> wouldbe the most handy, I think, to have rsync or cvsync as part of the
> base distribution, and go from there.  (or cvsup, if it becomes less
> difficult to add.)
the problem I was having with importing rsync was it spamming libz

Robert Garrett

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