Spam Filter engaged on crater

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Tue Feb 17 13:25:49 PST 2004

    Crater's spam filter has been turned on!    It will reject mail that:

    * Matches against certain really annoying viruses
    * With a MIME Content-Type header of text/html
    * With a MIME Content-Type header of multipart/alternative
    * Without a working reverse DNS lookup
    * Without a FQDN formatted HELO line
    * With an invalid envelope sender.  The spam filter does a realtime
      connect back to the SMTP server associated with the envelope sender
      and attempts to RCPT to it.  If this fails the mail will be rejected.

    I am not yet filtering on DSL or CABLE modems.  I'll add filters for
    specific sources that get through (and there will be some).

    If there are any mail rejection problems you may have a hard time
    emailing me :-) You can temporarily email me using dillon at xxxxxxxxx
    if you have such problems.  It will take a few days for me to tune the
    filter but I don't think I am cutting any current list member off right

    My official personal email address, as always, is either
    dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx or dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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