snapshots are broken

Matthew Dillon dillon at
Sat Nov 1 11:32:40 PST 2003

:> From: Matthew Dillon <dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
:> Date: Sat 1 Nov, 2003
:> Subject: Re: snapshots are broken
:>    Cross build environments are something we would be able to support fairly
:>    easy with the VFS environment idea.
:I don't think that'll address building a Dragonfly release on a Solaris host...
:		Cheers,
:		Mark.

    No, I meant cross build environments *ON* a DFly system to produce other

    I am not contemplating the huge effort it would take to cross build 
    DragonFly on a non-BSD system.  It is Conceivably possible to do, but
    probably not worth the effort when ISO's and snapshots can be made
    readily available.

					Matthew Dillon 
					<dillon at xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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