[issue612] mount_msdos needs to link to citrus libs

Steve O'Hara-Smith steve at sohara.org
Thu Apr 26 01:37:55 PDT 2007

On Wed, 25 Apr 2007 19:37:21 -0700
Fearow <lists at spearow.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday, April 25. 2007 7:16:35pm Matthew Dillon wrote:
> >
> >     Is there a specific problem that needs to be solved by linking it
> > that would not also require linking every program in /bin or /sbin
> > against citrus?  Because I really, really do not want to link every
> > program in /bin or /sbin against citrus... it would bloat those binaries
> >     considerably and I am not going to allow them to be dynamically
> > linked, even if some of the other BSD dists have switched to dynamic
> > linking for binaries in the root filesystem.
> >
> > 					-Matt
> > 					Matthew Dillon
> > 					<dillon at backplane.com>
> Is this why DragonFly is just about the only modern operating system that 
> still can't show international characters in ls and such?

	No that is caused by -q being the default when the output is a
terminal, try using echo in a directory with international characters in
the filename or redirecting the output of ls eg:

$ls | cat

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