Core Dump Panic String: assertion: cursor->flags & HAMMER_CURSOR_ITERATE_CHECK in hammer_btree_iterate

Siju George at
Wed Apr 28 09:37:01 PDT 2010


I don't think any body needs to waste time looking at my core dump.

I had as cron entry

#Check and restart mirroring
*/10 * * * * (cd /root/adm; /usr/bin/lockf -k -t 0 .lockfile ./hms) &

now hms was initially

dfly-bkpsrv# cat /root/adm/hms
hammer mirror-stream /Backup1/Data /Backup2/Data &
hammer mirror-stream /Backup1/VersionControl /Backup2/VersionControl

I had added a 3rd line some time and put an & at the end of the second line.
Now when I removed the 3rd line i forgot to remove the & at the end of
the second line and it looked like

dfly-bkpsrv# cat /root/adm/hms
hammer mirror-stream /Backup1/Data /Backup2/Data &
hammer mirror-stream /Backup1/VersionControl /Backup2/VersionControl &

So the locking did not work and it started spawning hammer
mirror-stream processes one after another every 10 mins.

I hope my slave pfses are not corrupted by these crashes :-(



On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 7:30 AM, Siju George < at> wrote:
> Sending it to list as per Justin's recommendation
> Hi,
> My DragonFly v2.7.0.54.g0754fe-DEVELOPMENT #18: Wed Apr  7 10:09:21
> IST 2010 core dumps occassionally.
> I can't update it to the latest version because it core dumps before
> make buildworld completes :-)
> Attached output of "call dumpsys" from automatically dropped ddb prompt.
> I guess it is hammer related because I started getting this after a
> hammer core dump. "hammer.core" is also attached
> Thanks
> --Siju

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