dfly-gui DVD mount issue : incorrect superblock

Saifi Khan saifi.khan at datasynergy.org
Fri Oct 9 23:24:17 PDT 2009


i downloaded the dfly-gui-2.4.1_REL DVD and burnt a DVD using
growisofs on my FreeBSD system.

On booting up on Compaq C301TU laptop, the DVD is not mounted
and the system falls to the FreeBSD boot prompt.

So, i downloaded the 2.4.1 CD and burnt a CD. this one loads up
absolutely fine and i could install DragonFlyBSD 2.4.1 OS.

Offcourse, the Realtek NIC issue i mentioned earlier is still
there (but thats for another thread).

Now, i tried to mount the dfly 2.4.1 DVD again and the following
error is seen.

mount: /dev/acd0 on /mnt: incorrect super block

I downloaded the .ISO image once again and burnt another DVD
with the help of a friend using ImgBurn and i still get the same

Can some of the experienced folks share, what could i be missing
here ?


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