UTF-8 locale support

Alexander Polakov polachok at gmail.com
Thu May 21 12:44:32 PDT 2009

 I wonder if anybody cares about locale support in DragonFly. It seems like libc, curses and utilities are UTF-8 ready, but
 it won't work out of the box. Everything in /bin and /sbin is compiled statically, but setlocale() fails in static binaries
 (Issue 1362). I understand that they can't be compiled shared because /usr is not mounted when some of them may be
 On the other hand kernel needs some work to handle encodings. libiconv is in there, but is not used almost nowhere. So,
 for full support of UTF-8 libiconv update is needed (Issue 1367). libkiconv userspace library is also needed.
 Any work planned on this issues?


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