make == fork bomb ???

Andreas Maus maus at
Mon Apr 4 10:44:55 PDT 2005

On Sat, Apr 02, 2005 at 01:09:09AM -0800, Max Okumoto wrote:
Hi Max.

> I haven't been able to recreate this problem.  Can you tell
Hmmm ....

> me where you got the ISO and the md5 checksum of the image?  I
> will down load it and install from that media.  Right now
I've got the file named LATEST-Stable.iso from
The md5 of the iso-file is:

maus at tigger tmp $ md5sum LATEST-Stable.iso 
0f4def43b16cceb8dc0f69bae271605c  LATEST-Stable.iso

(Today they have a LATEST-Stable.iso dated 04-Apr).

The md5 of /dev/cd0a is (also)

0f4def43b16cceb8dc0f69bae271605c /dev/cd0a

The image was dated 27-Mar-2005 on this server.


Out of the darkness a voice spoke unto me, saying "smile, things could
be worse". So I smiled, and so, things became worse.
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