Test Bugzilla bug tracker

Justin C. Sherrill justin.sherrill at gmail.com
Wed Aug 18 07:05:10 PDT 2004

Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:

> I don't know if there are any issue trackers out there which support
> (a) adminstrative handling of entries like opening/closing of entries
>     for a limit set of people
> (b) additions of comments / annotations to existing reports for all
>     registered users

Request Tracker (www.bestpractical.com) is the other product I was looking
at.  I've been using this at work for a while now, so I'm more familiar
with this than Bugzilla.

RT uses an email as the base "ticket" in the system; it's originally
oriented towards support mail, but with some custom fields, it could work
as a bug tracker. 

Interestingly, you can associate an email address with a 'queue', so that
customers can send mail to an address, and then replies can be made through
email or through a web interface, or comments can be made internal to the
bug system.  It may be possible to, for instance, subscribe a RT-facing
email address to bugs@ and then tickets will be created and updated by
regular bugs@ traffic, in addition to anything added manually to the queue
in RT.  This way, people still can use bugs@ but the matters brought up on
the list can be tracked and classified independent of the user.

I'll test this out and see how workable it is.

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