dfly with next or angular?
Martin Ivanov
marto1980 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 23 07:41:46 PST 2025
Hello, Michael,
thank you so much for your suggestion. I followed the link and just added
"overrides": {
"rollup": "npm:@rollup/wasm-node at latest"
to my package.json. Of course, I had to also provide the path to my locally
built esbuild v0.24.2 by adding this to my ~/.cshrc "setenv
ESBUILD_BINARY_PATH /home/marto/repos/esbuild/cmd/esbuild/esbuild
". I also added this to the scripts section of my package.json: "
"preinstall": "export
ESBUILD_BINARY_PATH=/home/marto/repos/esbuild/cmd/esbuild/esbuild". "Now I
can develop with angular on Dragonfly!
Best regards,
Am So., 16. Feb. 2025 um 22:36 Uhr schrieb Michael Neumann <
mneumann at ntecs.de>:
> Hi Martin,
> Certain bundlers can be painful if they depend on native binaries...
> Please look at the following issue. Maybe you can use the wasm build on
> Dragonfly:
> <https://github.com/rollup/rollup/issues/5491
> If that works, please report back :)
> Regards,
> Michael
> Am 16. Februar 2025 18:17:45 MEZ schrieb Martin Ivanov <
> marto1980 at gmail.com>:
>> Hello, Michael, thank you for your reply.
>> The problem in both cases were missing deps. Today I was struggling with
>> angular and the problem was the rollup package. Angular uses a freebsd
>> package for it and hence expects that the system has the respective deps. I
>> even unpacked a base freebsd package locally and told ldconfig to use it.
>> This solved the missing deps errors on npm start, but lead to segmentation
>> fault instead.
>> I remember that the problem with next.js was very similar. Next weekend I
>> will try to wrap angular into a docker container deriving from alpine
>> Linux. I hope this will allow me to develop on my dfly system. At least
>> ChatGPT seems to be confident that this is possible.
>> Best regards,
>> Martin
>> Michael Neumann <mneumann at ntecs.de> schrieb am So. 16. Feb. 2025 um
>> 18:58:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'd suggest to look into Svelte or Solid.js.
>>> Never had problems with these on Dragonfly. I wonder what exactly is the
>>> problem with Next or Angular on Dragonfly?
>>> Regards,
>>> Michael
>>> Am 16. Februar 2025 17:34:20 MEZ schrieb Martin Ivanov <
>>> marto1980 at gmail.com>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I tried developing with next.js and angular in my dfly installation.
>>>> However, both failed due to incompatible or missing dependencies. Has
>>>> anyone been successful developing frontend on dfly with one of these
>>>> technologies? If so, I would be happy to learn how.
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Martin Ivanov
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