Why am I able to cat a directory?

Stanislav Syekirin stanislav.syekirin at studium.fernuni-hagen.de
Sun Jan 22 18:52:12 PST 2023

Thank you for the example, but, to be honest, I'm even more confused 
now. I'm not sure what the array part does: $arrFiles[] is not valid 
syntax, and array() looks like a subroutine call but there is no such 
subroutine. It also seems to me after some testing that

- opendir with one argument does not exist and it should have been 
opendir($handle, $shifts_directory)
- $entry == "." compares strings as numbers and it should have been 
$entry ne "."
- !== FALSE is not a thing and it should have been while ($entry = 

I've tried the following adjusted code, and it works on Dragonfly...

     my $directory = $ARGV[0];
     opendir(my $handle, $directory) or die "can't open $directory";

     while (my $entry = readdir $handle) {
         if ($entry ne "." && $entry ne "..") {
             print "$entry\n";

     closedir $handle;

...but it works just as well on Linux, where cat on directories 
doesn't work, so it can't rely on that.

Can you please elaborate?


On So, 22 Jan 2023 22:44:27 +0000
  Marc Fournier <scrappy at hub.org> wrote:
> Simplistically, a directory is just a file with binary data in it 
>... you can manipulate it in the same way as any other file ... I 
>tend to write perl scripts that open a directory, read the contents ( 
>files ) and then manipulate the files within it:
> --
> $handle = opendir( $shifts_directory );
>   if ($handle) {
>     $arrFiles = array();
>     while (($entry = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) {
>       if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
>         $arrFiles[] = $entry;
>       }
>     }
>   } else {
>     exit ( 'directory does not exist: ' . $shifts_directory );
>   }
>   closedir($handle);
> --
> Using cat isn't very effective, but as effective as using cat to 
>view an image file, or excel spreadsheet ...
> On 2023-01-22 10:37, Stanislav Syekirin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I accidentally noticed that the following runs without error (even 
>>though it only outputs some binary data I can't understand) on my 
>>Dragonfly 6.2 install:
>>     mkdir a
>>     cat a
>> The same happens on NetBSD, so it probably isn't a bug, but I really 
>>can't imagine the intended use case. Can someone please explain?
>> Regards
>> Stanislav

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