Howdy and howto get started

Will Senn will.senn at
Tue Jan 10 16:05:14 PST 2023

Hi Matt et al.,

Well I got 'er up and runnin'. It was very straightforward, in the end, 
but I've got lots to learn. Thanks for building such an interesting 
project. I'll be checking this out for a while, but I like it so far.

I installed, chose hammer, updated, upgraded, fixed the trashing of the 
df-latest.conf file by the upgrade, ran upgrade again, installed sysrc, 
sudo, vim, bash, set stuff up to my liking, got sound working, installed 
xorg xf86-input-evdev, fired up startx et voila - twm in all its glory 
and simplicity. pkg install chromium and I even had a browser and videos 
on youtube worked with sound. Cool. TWM works, but I'm rusty, so off to 

BTW, I didn't have to set radeon up, xorg seemed to guess it and load 
what it needed. The mouse was janky, until I remembered you said evdev 
was available, so after installing it, all was well with the world.

Thanks again for the steer. I appreciate it.


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