eMMC support & concerns

Cláudio Vieira cldvr at claudiovieira.me
Fri Feb 10 16:03:48 PST 2023

Hello DragonFlyers,

I plan to use DragonFly with a ZimaBoard, but I have doubts
if I can / should use the internal storage to install the system.
This SBC in particular comes with 32GB eMMC 5.1 storage.

My research concluded that the level of eMMC support varies
greatly across operating systems, and even depends on the
specific characteristics of the hardware.

What’s the current support for eMMC storage in DragonFly?

The internet is filled with articles, blogs, and discussions
concerning the durability and reliability of eMMC storage.

tl;dr: eMMC is not suitable for write intensive operations.

Nevertheless, the ZimaBoard comes pre-installed with
Debian Linux. I don’t know if it was custom configured
to play nice with the internal eMMC storage.

Would you recommend installing DragonFly into the eMMC?
If yes, can DragonFly be configured to be more eMMC friendly?
If yes, would you choose HAMMER2 or UFS as filesystem?

HAMMER1 is designed for storage greater than 50GB, IIRC.
Is this premise also applicable to HAMMER2?

Cláudio Vieira

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