Trouble setting up CBSD on DragonflyBSD 6.2.

michael.s michael.s at
Tue Sep 20 15:20:06 PDT 2022


I have problems with setting up CBSD on DragonflyBSD 6.2.


  	* Xen HVM guest
  	* 8 cpus
  	* 2GB RAM
  	* / hammer2 20 GB
  	* PCI passtrough for Intel Gb NIC


  	* Installed dfly using installer from official website.
  	* Installed cbsd using pkg install cbsd
  	* Completed cbsd init
  	* Enabled pf and basic ruleset allowing traffic on loopback, in, out 
and ssh
  	* Reboot, cbsd daemon enabled. Lets create some jails.
  	* FIRST GLITCH: cbsd jconstruct-tui couldn't find bsdconfig so I 
blindly copied it from this repo:
  	* Now cbsd jconstruct-tui could launch
  	* Using default template I try to create jail
  	* I have no bases yet, so it needs to be downloaded/built/extracted 
  	* SECOND GLITCH: Build base crashes with error

  	> error: pathspec 'DragonFly_RELEASE_6.2' did not match any file(s) 
known to git
  	> + _ret=1
  	> + set +o xtrace
  	> cd /usr/jails/src/src_6.2/src && /usr/local/bin/git rev-parse 
--short DragonFly_RELEASE_6.2
  	> fatal: your current branch 'master' does not have any commits yet

  	* THIRD GLITCH: I tried again but different methods but both extract 
and download hangs on

  	> Please wait: this will take a while...
  	> hammer2: pfs_create(/usr/jails/jails-data/jail1-data): SUCCESS
  	> Applying skel dir template from: 

It won't pass further. I was waiting long, then cancelled by CTRL+C.
I checked htop while it was doing but processes weren't explicitly 
consuming CPU or Memory.
I tried debugging cbsd with setting up env CBSD_DEBUG=1 but it is so 
verbose that I gave up.

My questions are:

  	* Is CBSD supported on dlfy?
  	* If yes, is it stable?
  	* If yes, what is proper way of setting it up - what I did wrong ;) Is 
it reproducible?
  	* If yes, is there any documentation I couldn't fin and should read?
  	* If no, what other jails management tools are supported on dfly 
considered as alternative to CBSD?
  	* I would like to create postgresql jail, do you have any experience 
on that? (for instance: it is slow, it needs tuning / you need to allow 
  	* In future I'd like to run also desktop apps in jails with X server, 
do you have any experience on that?

Thanks in advance

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