Setting up DragonflyBSD

James Cook falsifian at
Thu Nov 18 20:20:09 PST 2021

On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 06:31:21AM -0300, André Pfeiffer wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Some months ago I sent some messages about not being able to set up
> DragonflyBSD. With the new version launched I was able to boot the
> installer for the first time ever on my computer! This made me very happy.
> However, as one can see on the pictures attached, I was unable to succeed.
> I used the default setup, except for swap space which I removed and added
> to root storage as I do with all my setups. I also encrypted everything
> except for boot storage. After Image 2 I changed root password and went for
> a reboot. This led to image 3, which didn't reboot no matter which key was
> pressed. Lastly, after a forceful reset I was left with image 4. What did I
> do wrong?
> Best regards,
> Pfeiffer.

In image 4, it looks like the system has decided to shut down for some
reason. Normally that message would appear after the superuser runs a
command like "shutdown now". Maybe there is a message earlier on the
screen explaining why the system decided to shut down. You can scroll
to earlier messages by pressing scroll lock and then using page up.

For image 3, I think you should wait for someone wiser than me to


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