Installing Dragonflybsd on old board.

andre almeida pfeiffer andre.almeida.pfeiffer at
Sun Apr 25 07:01:46 PDT 2021


I'm new to this list so I would like to introduce myself. My name is
Pfeiffer, I'm from Brazil and for some time now I have wanted to try
Dragonflybsd out.

My computer is an old GA 78LMT USB 3 with Amd FX and 32GB ram.

I would like to setup Dragonflybsd with some hypervisor (Best if its XEN or
KVM, although, from what I read, XEN is not currently supported).

After burning the Dragonflybsd system either to a usb stick or CD/DVD I
have been unable to get it to load the system installer. Not much
information or control is show to help me, I'm also not very knowledgeable
about operating systems inner details. Is there someone who could help me
debug and install the system in that mentioned setup? Maybe I'm missing
some setup on my board?

Thanks in advance for any help.
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