Hardware recommendations for small and energy efficient Gateway

Christoph Harder shadowomf at arcor.de
Thu Mar 5 23:13:35 PST 2020

Hello everybody,

I'm planning to set up multiple Gateways (for routing, as firewall and IPSEC Site-to-Site VPN). Does anyone have recommendations regarding the hardware, especially in regards to power consumption?

I would definitly prefer an AMD based solution (the last time I've had an Intel Processor was when MS DOS was still around).
Since I plan to use it as Gateways for my parents and family it shouldn't be too expensive (if possible below 300€ for the hole system), while also not increase the electricity bill to much (as you may know electricity in Europe is quite expensive).

I've found the Biostar A10N-8800E V6.1 Mainboard with integrated processor. Has anyone ever used it with DragonflyBSD? Can you recommend it and does it work with DragonflyBSD?
Do you have any better suggestions?

Best regards,
Christoph Harder

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