DragonFlyBSD Project Update - colo upgrade, future trends

Pierre Abbat phma at leaf.dragonflybsd.org
Mon Jul 29 10:53:10 PDT 2019

On Monday, 29 July 2019 11.27.09 EDT Matthew Dillon wrote:
> I feel that we do not have a choice here.  Privately-run mail systems, in
> general, are almost dead due to the spam load.  I have to forward my own
> personal domain email through GMail just to be able to continue using it
> and my GMail spam mailbox consistently contains more than 3000 spams in it
> (30-day expiration, so ... 100+ spams per day). And that doesn't count the
> ones Google auto-deletes immediately or the ones my smtp server discards.
>  I've tried everything possible to keep my personal domain and dragonfly's
> domain email usable but its an impossible task.

On my mailserver (bezitopo.org), I use greylisting combined with IP address 
blacklists. Very little spam gets in. A few times a year I get several spams a 
day, because a spammer has bought a new netblock, but even when that happens, 
much of the spam is blocked because, between the first try from an IP address 
(which is blocked by greylisting) and the second, the IP address landed in a 

Most of the spam I get comes through leaf. I can't block it, because my mail 
server sees leaf's IP address, not the spammer's. I filter some of it to a 
spam folder, but that's not as effective as blocking IP addresses.

Moving to a web forum is not going to make spam go away. They get spam too.

Don't buy a French car in Holland. It may be a citroen.

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