rust 1.39 and errno

Chuck Musser cmusser at
Sat Dec 28 22:36:52 PST 2019

On 2019-12-28 13:43, Michael Neumann wrote:

> I think you need to enable the "unstable" feature flag for libc when
> bootstrapping rust. See line 57 ff of
> The important part is to use #![feature(thread_local)] unconditionally!
> It will probably start to work once you add this patch.
> Hope this helps! If anyone can try this out, I would be really glad.

I did try adding that patch to my build, but it did not change the 
result. The compile failed in the same place. It may be that because I'm 
trying to compile a release and not nightly, the thread_local stuff is 
not turned on. You mentioned enabling the "unstable" feature flag. I 
don't know to to do that.


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