rust 1.39 and errno

Chuck Musser cmusser at
Sat Dec 28 14:02:58 PST 2019

On 2019-12-28 05:07, Antonio Huete Jiménez wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Chuck, I'm going to create a Rust wiki entry with all the information  
> on how to build it and the known issues we have right now.

That would be super. I'm assuming that when these releases get created 
in DPorts, the rust-bootstrap-dragonfly project is used to actually do 
the build?

> Zach, I think I'm going to give the bounty a try. I am just learning  
> Rust so if there is somebody interested in the bounty that has more  
> experience with Rust, let me know.

While I was writing this up I did have a vague recollection of what Zach 
brought up:  the "bug bounty" for the maintenance of dfly support in the 
Rust libc crate. It would be neat to help and I'm fair to middlin' with 
Rust as an applications person, but I wouldn't be immediately productive 
on the platform infrastructure end of things.


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