Where can I buy a Ryzen box?

Pierre Abbat phma at leaf.dragonflybsd.org
Tue Sep 11 01:25:34 PDT 2018

On Tuesday, 11 September 2018 00.46.25 EDT Gerald Henriksen wrote:
> OpenCL would depend on if that has been ported to Dragonfly or not,
> but it at least in theory can work with the AMD open source drivers,
> Intel drivers, and on the CPU.

Both DPorts and Ravenports have both opencl and libclc packages.

> The Ryzen with APU (Raven Ridge codename) is likely just too new
> having only been released in February and even as late as May there
> were still a lot of stability issues on Linux (when using the APU). So
> without Dragonfly support for the APU you would need a separate,
> supported video card in order to get anything other than perhaps text.
> Given the lack of Raven Ridge support you may want to consider pricing
> out getting a plain Ryzen CPU + separate GPU, may either save you
> money or allow to get a better GPU for the same money unless you
> specifically want the ability to drop back to the APU in the future if
> the drivers get ported to Dragonfly.

Is the APU part of the CPU or a separate chip? Does the Threadripper come with 
an APU?

ve ka'a ro klaji la .romas. se jmaji

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