Could you check the build instructions?

Muhammad Kaisar Arkhan yukiisbored at
Fri Jan 12 17:16:48 PST 2018


You can check for the existence for ports on FreeBSD by going to I have a machine running FreeBSD 12-CURRENT so I'll check it out later.

Also, isn't DPorts based off FreeBSD ports?


Muhammad Kaisar Arkhan

On Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 3:56 AM +0700, "Pierre Abbat" <phma at> wrote:

I'm planning to release another version of Bezitopo in about three weeks. I 
wrote the build instructions while building it on a fresh Cygwin install and 
extrapolated the packages needed on other OSes. I've had KDE on my DragonFly 
box for many years, so I already had Qt when I made the GUI. Also, I don't 
have FreeBSD and am guessing that the packages are the same. Could someone who 
doesn't have Qt5 installed, or who runs FreeBSD, check the list of packages?

I believe in Yellow when I'm in Sweden and in Black when I'm in Wales.

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