Clarifying the Spectre mitigations...

Gerald Henriksen ghenriks at
Tue Jan 9 15:31:06 PST 2018

On Tue, 9 Jan 2018 18:26:54 +0000, you wrote:

>but I really don't know if it's just an Intel lie at this point (wouldn't be the first one on this fiasco... maybe they just want to avoid a recall)

Like it or not, everything coming out of Intel on this will likely
have gone through their lawyers with the aim of limiting any legal
damage, and thus truth loses.  It is the way of the world.

As for the idea of a recall*, won't happen.  As pointed out elsewhere,
this involves 20+ years of processors.  Intel has neither the money
nor the fab capabilitity to implement a recall of that many

* - certain select users may get deals made for new processors, things
like the supercomputer clusters, where the number of processors is
relatively small but there is a possible big impact.

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