HAMMER2 stability

Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez paaguti at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 01:02:39 PDT 2017

Hi folks,

After I got DFly running on my old Optimus laptop, I got an exception from
the hammer module and wasn't able to recover it. I gave  FreeBSD 11.1 a try
and have almost everything I need running much more out of the box than
with DFly. You are getting better and I will put my notes on getting it
running on Optimus in the WIKI, but it's not yet where I need it to be.

Sorry, /PA

El 23 oct. 2017 1:59, "Antonio Olivares" <olivares14031 at gmail.com> escribió:

> On Sunday, October 22, 2017, Carsten Mattner <carstenmattner at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Is HAMMER2 considered experimental and not for production data?
> That is what the 5.0 release page states:
>  https://www.dragonflybsd.org/release50/
> Do we have debug_fs file restoration tools, in case things goes south?
> This is being worked on.  A new iso with the restoration tools is in the
> works, I have to find out where I read this to point it out.
> Best Regards,
> Antonio
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