HAMMER1 userspace on Linux

Tomohiro Kusumi kusumi.tomohiro at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 08:47:53 PDT 2017

I've uploaded HAMMER1 userspace code which compiles on Linux distros.

The fs itself doesn't exist on Linux, thus majority of commands that
require HAMMER1 ioctls are actually not usable.
In other words, newfs_hammer and hammer
blockmap/checkmap/show/show-undo/strip/recover commands are usable.
e.g. newfs_hammer'd image created on Linux is mountable on DragonFly.

I haven't included mount_hammer at this point.
Dropped hammer "info" command.
Included DragonFly's fstyp which was originally ported from FreeBSD.

Further work on kernel side is not planned at the moment.

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