DragonFly 5.0 released!

Tomohiro Kusumi kusumi.tomohiro at gmail.com
Tue Oct 17 09:18:17 PDT 2017

2017-10-17 16:16 GMT+03:00 Michael Neumann <mneumann at ntecs.de>:
> On 10/17/17 15:09, Predrag Punosevac wrote:
>> Gerald Henriksen wrote:
>>> On Mon, 16 Oct 2017 23:41:25 -0400, Predrag Punosevac wrote:
>>>> Only nVidia supports its own product with binary blob drivers. Somebody
>>>> have mentioned Nouveau driver in one of the posts. That is beating a
>>>> dead horse.
>>> Nope.  Nouveau is alive and well.
>> Who cares? Why are we even talking about stupid proprietary NVidia crap
>> on DF mailing lists at the moment of release of the most advanced file
>> system on the face of the planet?
> Exactly! Still, if I had a NVIDIA card I would love to use it with DFly.
> Btw, would be great to have someone knowledgable write a short article about
> all the advantages of HAMMER2 vs. HAMMER1 and maybe the basics of using
> HAMMER2 (e.g. how to do snapshots, how to backup data to a slave
> etc.). I know, HAMMER2 is considered experimental, still I think a lot
> of people are soo curious and want to try it out, me included :)

I'd also want to know a list of things (basically) done and completely
missing at this point in hammer2.

> Regards,
>   Michael

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