DragonFly 5.0 released!

Predrag Punosevac punosevac72 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 16 20:41:25 PDT 2017

On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 4:09 PM, Bret Busby <bret.busby at gmail.com>
> On 16/10/2017, Justin Sherrill <justin at shiningsilence.com> wrote:
>> DragonFly 5.0 is released - here's the release page:
>> https://www.dragonflybsd.org/release50/
> Does it support the nVidia Optimus architecture?

Only nVidia supports its own product with binary blob drivers. Somebody
have mentioned Nouveau driver in one of the posts. That is beating a
dead horse. Even Red Hat removed Nouveau driver from 7.4 release. If you
want to use nVidia gear you need to use their proprietary binary blobs
and to stick to a list of approved OSs. I have 7 large GPU servers (4+
Titan Xp cards per server 32 cores and 256 GB of RAM) used for Deep
learning and image recognition.  They all run Red Hat like a champ.

On the unrelated note I would like to congratulate the developers on the
new release featuring HAMMER2. I am building new kernel as I type this
message. I am eager to play with HAMMER2. 


> --
> Bret Busby
> Armadale
> West Australia
> ..............
> "So once you do know what the question actually is,
>  you'll know what the answer means."
> - Deep Thought,
>  Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
>  "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
>  A Trilogy In Four Parts",
>  written by Douglas Adams,
>  published by Pan Books, 1992
> ....................................................

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