open ptg file?

Antonio Olivares olivares14031 at
Mon May 22 18:10:46 PDT 2017

On Monday, May 22, 2017, Predrag Punosevac <punosevac72 at> wrote:

> Antonio Olivares wrote:
> >
> > Dear Dfly Users,
> >
> > How does one open a *.ptg file?
> Why don't you ask your Pearson's sales rep or their technical support?
> You might also want to have a computer running supported OS handy as I
> am quite sure, based on my dealings with them, that nobody in that
> publishing company have ever heard of DragonFly BSD.
> Cheers,
> Predrag
The folks will kindly ask me to use windblows and that they cannot help me
because I am in uncharted territory :(  Linux OS supports the app, but most
have systemd, and I can use that, but as a last resort.  I would like to
get it working on DflyBSD as well!

I use another link to open the gradebook, it is a *.jnlp file opens java
web start with icedtea-web plugin, it works on Freebsd, but I would like to
also use Dragonfly to open gradebook app, but it simply does not work.  I
know java works, but web plugin icedtea-web does not.  I get a
plugin-container.core file in ~/ .  I know that firefox does not open java
apps anymore, i use firefox-esr which still does.  Any pointers or other
advice is appreciated

Best Regards,

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