Is AMD Turbo Core supported in DragonFly

am_dxer at am_dxer at
Sun Jan 22 18:06:00 PST 2017

I have Dragonfly running on a laptop with an AMD Richland processor that
has a clock speed of 2.1 GHZ and a turbo of 2.9 GHZ. When I look at the
stats in hw.acpi.cpu, I see that the highest choice available is 2100
and the lowest is 1100.
I was trying to determine if the 2100 speed associates with the top
normal cpu speed of 2.1 GHZ or the 2.9 GHZ speed of turbo. Also, is
there any way to verify if turbo core is correctly functioning on
dragonfly? I found a bit of info related to Intel turbo boost and
Dragonfly but couldn't find any prior discussions of turbo on AMD. From
some information I found on Turbo Core and Linux, it appears that Turbo
Core for the cpu is actually enabled through the Radeon driver so it
would seem the radeon driver somehow plays a part in when the cpu boosts
although I am just not sure. Thanks.

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