4.8.0 to 4.8.1 update requirements
Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez
paaguti at gmail.com
Sat Aug 26 23:43:36 PDT 2017
Antonio, get the school sort out the problem. Your admin will also benefit.
He'll learn to get the firewall do what it should.
Firewalls are not bad per se. And with the advent of IPv6, they will evolve
from annoying to life saving ;)
El 23 ago. 2017 16:20, "Adam Jensen" <hanzer at riseup.net> escribió:
> On Wed, 23 Aug 2017 15:53:14 +0300
> Antonio Olivares <olivares14031 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > The school is blocking access to many sites. I will have to wait
> > for them to sort it out. I will get back and ask for help if I get in
> > trouble. Thanks to all for your help. I was at some workshops when
> > the network was working correctly, but when I got a chance to try the
> > school implemented ``The Great Fire(WALL) of China :)`` to block
> > access. The kids still get around these "firewalls" :( They also
> > have their phones ready to bypass anything thrown at them.
> > Unfortunately the kids only know windows and iphones/android systems
> > :(, not bsd systems so I could get their help.
> It seems extraordinarily bizarre that an educational institution would
> interfere with access to a software development project like dfbsd. I
> suppose it is probably incompetence - they are attempting to wield
> authority that they are not fit to manage. It might be possible to
> circumvent the tardwall through a Tor proxy.
> <https://www.torproject.org/>
> <http://www.freshports.org/security/tor/>
> <http://www.freshports.org/net/torsocks/>
> <http://www.freshports.org/security/obfsproxy/>
> After installation and configuration, it can be used to get the source
> like this:
> cd /usr/src && torsocks git fetch origin
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