Minimal file set

Konrad Neuwirth konrad at
Fri Jun 10 04:37:53 PDT 2016

Hello Matt, 

I fear I was unable to communicate my point properly: 

> Its easiest just to mess around until you have what you need.  What I would do is first create an 'empty' jail with a fresh install and load up the minimum of you know you need, such as the apache server.  But then set that jail aside and use it as a template for your experiments.  That is, create a second jail using the first as a template (by copying the directory tree over), and then play inside the second jail with 'pkg install' until you are happy with the package set.

I don’t want to have a jail that’s ‘empty’ and contains an entire userland. I’d love to trim down /that/ to the essentials required. Ideally, I’d have a machine with a OS that can boot and start jails and let me do some administration, and the jails that run their services, and nothing but that on there. I’d want the machines to be as streamlined as they can be for their task. 

That’s where I was hoping to have pointers: on what to include in the bare metal install, and in the jails for the specific servers at hand. 

Thank you,

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