Printing with dfly 4.4.1

Marc Ferrand marcferrand at
Sun Feb 7 10:26:03 PST 2016

I'm still unable to print with dfly 4.4.1
1.I can be root.
2.cups is installed and 'cupsd -t' returns

"/usr/local/etc/cups/cups-files.conf" is OK.
"/usr/local/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" is OK.

2bis.http://localhost:631 works with all priviledges but when I
manage/modify a printer, automatic redirection to
http://localhost:631/admin/?OP=redirect&URL=/printers/hp5652_no-reset ends
up on a blank page.

3.Printer is /dev/ulpt0 and set to default (with 'lpoptions -d hp5652')

3bis. 'ls -l /dev/ulpt0' returns "crw-r--r--  1 root  operator   25,
0x00000000 Feb  7 11:57 /dev/ulpt0"
    This is probably why http://localhost:631/admin/log/error_log shows
    E [07/Feb/2016:15:27:29 +0100] [Job 4] Unable to open device file:
Permission denied

    under root, 'echo "Welcome to printworld" > /dev/ulpt0'
    wakes up the printer and loads a page immediately but takes several
minutes to print.

    'lp[r] print.txt' returns "lpr: lp: unknown printer"

4.cupsd is NOT running at system startup: 'ps -ajx | grep d$'

root      471      1    471    471    0 S1Ls   ??    0:07.12
/usr/sbin/moused -p /dev/ums0 -t auto -I /var/run/moused
root      490      1    490    490    0 S0Ls   ??    0:00.00 /sbin/devd
root      879      1    879    879    0 I0Ls   ??    0:00.00 /usr/sbin/sshd
nobody    947      1    947    947    0 I0Ls   ??    0:00.02
marc     1129      1   1127   1127    0 I0L    ??    0:00.05
marc     1894      1   1127   1127    0 S1NL   ??    0:00.10
marc     1896      1   1127   1127    0 I1L    ??    0:00.01

4bis. under root, if I 'rcenable cupsd && service cupsd restart' Iget

    rcorder: file `/usr/local/etc/rc.d/tcsd' is before unknown provision
    rcorder: file `/usr/local/etc/rc.d/tcsd' is before unknown provision
    rcorder: requirement `tpmd' in file `/usr/local/etc/rc.d/tcsd' has no
    added/modified: cupsd_enable=YES
    cupsd has already been started
    cupsd not running?
    Starting cupsd.

and 'ps -x | grep cupsd' returns
  2529 ??  S1Ls     0:00.05 /usr/local/sbin/cupsd -C
/usr/local/etc/cups/cupsd.conf -s /usr/local/etc/cups/cups-files

but I the loose acces to http://localhost:631/admin (Unable to connect).
'service cupsd stop' doesn't solve it.

5.So what is the correct way to make things work properly and be able to
print with a common user and to print from X ?
   For easy test pupose, which command should work in console or xterm with
a text file as argument ?
   In which case(s) is cupsd mandatory ? (a few examples would ne nice).

6.I've been superusing system V (many) years ago and I'm ok on Linux but
new to DragonFly BSD.
    I understand dfly is a fork of FreeBSD and then not so much linux like.
    So please be precise in your help ; I'm ok to read any given doc link
but please don't reply me googling foo as much as possible.
  I'm willing to make howtos for noobs and share it with the community.

Thanks in advance for your kind answers, Marc. (Marcurlin on
irc:/EFNet/#dragonflybsd and Marcurling on freenode)
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