Testing Free Pascal

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk m.e.sanliturk at gmail.com
Wed Nov 19 07:39:42 PST 2014

Dears All ,

I extracted Free Pascal sources and copied 2.6.4 directory to /usr/share/
directory ( this is the Linux FPC sources directory ) .

In directory 2.6.4 , there is a directory "tests" which it is used to test
Free Pascal .

With respect to readme.txt  file , the following command will apply all
tests :

make full TEST_FPC=/usr/bin/fpc

In Linux , as a normal user , it become necessary to copy fpcsrc directory
to my home directory .

When the above command is applied , it is compiling the related sources and
generating testing results in the created "output" directory as follows :


I tried this in DragonFly BSD by using ppcx64 ( as renamed from supplied
program )
and copied it to /usr/bin/ :

make full TEST_FPC=/usr/bin/ppcx64

make generated a very long list of error messages about Makefile .

gmake is giving a very short message list with error exit .

As a build step or separately , this testing part may be used .

Thank you very much .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
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