HEADS UP: USB4BSD is the default USB stack now

John Marino dragonflybsd at marino.st
Mon Mar 10 00:08:47 PDT 2014

On 3/10/2014 03:03, Sascha Wildner wrote:
> [Resending to users@ separately, seems to have just gone to kernel@]
> Hi,
> I have switched over our USB stack to USB4BSD and there are a few things
> to note:
> [snip]

I just want to extend a huge "Thank you" to all the people that worked
to make this happen, especially Markus (profmakx).  This has been a long
journey for him and I sort of suspect he wouldn't have taken had he
known what he was in for.   I am very appreciative of his efforts and
those that have been helping him recently.


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