
John Marino dragonflybsd at
Wed Mar 26 15:21:42 PDT 2014

On 3/26/2014 23:15, Ludo Beckers wrote:
> # pkg info xinit
> pkg: No package(s) matching xinit
> # pkg ins xinit
> Updating repository catalogue
> # startx
> startx: Command not Found
> # rehash
> didn't do anything either.

It's not adding it.
Either it's already on your system, it's not in the catalog, or you are
not actually pulling down a catalog.

does "pkg info" list a long list of files?

Did anything download?

You probably need to start using "man pkg" or "pkg help" so you can
determine whats going on and what's on the system.   Having a command do
nothing isn't normal so I suspect your config file is wrong but I'm just


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